Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Into the Bullring

An unusually late start today but the Hacienda is too good to leave early. Breakfast taken in the main dining room overlooked by massive oil paintings of the Madre of the house. We discover the private Bull Ring, set in the grounds and John insists on driving his Atom into the centre of the ring.
I have never seen him run so fast as when we realise the bulls are being rounded up and, we think, are heading for the bull ring. As it turns out, they are being hearded in to a separate pen, but it's still an impressive site - and we both agree that it would be pretty scary to be in a ring with just one of these thundering beasts heading towards you at pace.
Composing ourselves we head North for Plasencia in the Extramedura region of Spain - following a combination of slow roads which weave through small villages and towns, and fast new "Autovia" which wind their way through the stunning countryside.

John is yet again pulled over by the police. I pull over ahead of him on the side of the road and am rapidly moved on to avoid holding up the traffic. Leaving him behind, I pull in to a lay-by some 5 miles up the road and wait to see if he can blag his way out of the clutches of the local constabulary. Fifteen minutes later the Atom appears, tearing up the hill. Apparently the policeman's lack of English and John's lack of Spanish has caused a bit of an impasse, and the production of every official document until finally John is released to carry on his journey - although not until he removes his iPod and stows it away.

Finally arriving at Plascenia we find the Parador, a 15th Century former-Nunnery, now converted into a stunning hotel. The Nuns would, we are convinced, be turning in their graves at the decadent use of the place now. Heading out to downtown Plascenia for a beer or two we are surprised at the number of guys on the streets begging for a few Euros or a cigarette or two.

Dinner in the main dining room where the nuns would have eaten in silence. Tomorrow Leon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done guys, a real achievement and as far as I can see no speeding fines yet, unless John is keeping some things from us. Keep up the record.