Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Day 2 - the Long Run to Cordoba

A big day ahead. 400 miles to Cordoba. Alarm at 7am, curtains open and yet more rain and low cloud. Down for breakfast which we then find isn’t served until 8am. Could have had 30 minutes more in bed. Set off and the sun actually starts to shine! Riding for 15 minutes on beautiful roads and at speeds, which, shall we say, challenges the local speed limits, when we are pulled over by Spain’s finest officious “National Guard”. Fortunately all they are interested in doing is taking a look at the Atom and sticking their thumbs up in gestures that suggest they are impressed. John’s pigeon Spanish and hand gestures help to ensure we are waved on with what borders on a round of applause from the boys in green.

400 miles of fast motorway and mountain passes goes by in significantly less time than the TomTom suggests the journey should take. 100 miles south of Madrid and John loses his rear number plate which shatters down the A4. I need to get used to John’s rapid breaking which leaves me nearly running into the back of him – I have tried to explain that a bike can’t stop as quickly as a car with four wheels in contact with the tarmac!

Both the bike and the Atom are running on fumes by the time we reach Cordoba and the first attempt to re-fuel takes us to a petrol station closed for refurbishment – sod’s law. Finally finding a Crespa Station downtown, we then turn our attention to finding the Parador Arruzafa, some three kilometres from the centre of town. Another excellent find with rooms the size of basketball courts, we check in and take a well-earned shower to wash the grime of the day off. Just to lower the tone John hangs the Atom cover from his balcony for it to dry out - talk about old Mother Hubbard!

Locking up the bike, we take the Atom into Cordoba to visit the Mezquita Cathedral/Mosque – an event which makes us the main tourist attraction with hordes of Spanish school children swarming around the car taking photos on their phones. John very magnanimously allows them to sit in it for better shots. A taste of what’s to come in Morocco no doubt. More Rioja and local cuisine before retiring for a well earned rest.
Mezquita Cathedral/Mosque - taking a look at the mosque/cathedral whilst John entertains the local schoolkids!
Local shop front is a taster of what to expect 150 miles away in Tangier!

Tomorrow Morocco.

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