Monday, November 12, 2007

The wine list!

A hoon by wine!

For those interested this is the wine list from the trip (Some are missing, I know some photos are on Nigels camera other than the last night we always drunk red.) I was surprised at the Moroccan grown and made wines they were very good and very drinkable!

Day 1, on the Santander ferry;

Day 2, Soria;

Day 3, Cordoda;

Day 4, Tetouan;

Day 5, Fes;
I think the same as Day 6

Day 6, Fes;

Day 7, Marrakech;

Day 8, Rabat;
Missing same as day six.

Day 9, Gerena;

Day 10, Plasencia;

Day 11, Cervera De Pisuerga;

Day 12, on the Plymouth Ferry;

Day 13, In Plymouth at friends house;

Day 14, Back home at last;

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